Hands Up United Responds to Shooting of Ferguson Police Officers

We don’t agree with violence...whether it’s targeted towards people in uniform or Black and Brown people in the streets.
— Hands Up United

Ferguson, MO – Hands Up United has issued the following statement in response to the shooting of two Ferguson Police Officers yesterday:

“Yesterday's announcement of Chief Jackson's resignation saw community members once again returning to the Ferguson Police Department to voice their frustration with the justice system. Although many saw the resignation of Chief Jackson as a victory, for the Ferguson protester community, it will take more than the firing or resigning of a few bad cops to heal the wounds caused by police brutality. 

“We don't agree with violence...whether it's targeted towards people in uniform or Black and Brown people in the streets. We understand that we are all victims of a system that refuses to acknowledge the humanity of society's most oppressed people. That's why we speak out when people are killed by those on duty, and when children are killed in their backyards by stray bullets. 

“But the rift between the police and the community has been brewing long before Mike Brown was murdered on August 9th, 2014.  Until people in uniform, and the system they serve, are able to recognize the humanity of people of color, and are held accountable for the wrongful killing of our friends, family members and neighbors, we will continue actively fighting nonviolently for justice. 

“As long as America refuses to deal with the most pressing issue of our times, racism and poverty, our communities will be at odds. The leaders of this country must get serious about challenging the New Jim Crow, otherwise unfortunate incidents like the ones that occurred last night will continue to happen.”