Have you ever thought about who has to pay the cost for cop misconduct when civil rights lawsuits are settled for police crimes like unreasonable searches, false arrests, sexual assaults or, say, choking a man to death?
Of course you have. Because these are the kind of thoughts that help you turn down after a day at work where your Kermit the Frog lookin coworker tried to play you in front of your manager.
It's bad enough that police can hem you up or murder you and never see the inside of a courtroom. But the case of NYPD police officer Daniel Pantaleo has brought us face to face with another ice cold reality: when civil complaints against the police are settled out of court, cops almost never have to pay a dime.
More than 99 percent of the payouts come from a city's municipal budget, which has a line item dedicated to settlements and judgments each year.
You know what that means? Taxpayers shoulder the cost. Yes. Even when we win, we lose.
That's a flagrant Metta World Peace elbow to the chin foul, yo.
Here are few things that become immediately clear from considering this diabolical bullshit:
1. I'm not payin for that shit. My gas tank is on E and my fridge is empty spare two mustard packets sitting next to a half-ate, four day old Arby's burger. FOH if my city thinks I'm paying for police to murder and exploit my people.
2. It's time we police our police. As anti-simps, it is our duty to not get hoodwinked by a legal scheme that gives immunity to killer cops. We've got to organize to change local laws that protect cops from financial liability.
The road ahead won't be easy.
Has anyone in the country successfully organized to change local laws so that cops shoulder the cost for their crimes? Help us find the answer.
Let's be about that action.