Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case

Darren Wilson Grand Juror Sues, Accusing Ferguson Prosecutor Of Mischaracterizing Case

WASHINGTON -- A member of the grand jury that ultimately decided not to indict former Ferguson, Missouri, Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of 18-year-old Michael Brown is suing the prosecuting attorney in St. Louis County, accusing Robert McCulloch of mischaracterizing the grand jury process.

Cleveland Police hand off investigation into Tamir Rice shooting to county sheriff

Cleveland Police hand off investigation into Tamir Rice shooting to county sheriff

“This decision to turn the investigation over was made to ensure that transparency and an extra layer of separation and impartiality were established,” said Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “I believe that the best way to ensure accountability in a use of force investigation is to have it completed by an outside agency.”

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/01/02/cleveland-police-expected-to-hand-investigation-of-tamir-rice-shooting-to-county-sheriff/


Ferguson Activists Call Out Black Celebrities for 'Saying Nothing'

Ferguson Activists Call Out Black Celebrities for 'Saying Nothing'

"...You glorify being from the trenches but do nothing for it. When they killing us, you stand by silent. When you have this platform...we don't have a Rolling Stone in St. Louis we can go to. You get invited to these interviews daily, and you quiet. You quiet. You still on your tours, you still dropping your bullshit records that nobody believe. The streets don't believe you."

Press Release

Press Release

After hosting a Twitter Storm targeted at Governor Jay Nixon on the National Day of Action Against Police Brutality, Hands Up United and its supporters are now leading the way in pressuring the Democratic Governors Association and Republican Governors Association.