After Ferguson, Missouri Lawmakers Propose Banning Public From Viewing Footage From Police Body Cams

After Ferguson, Missouri Lawmakers Propose Banning Public From Viewing Footage From Police Body Cams

A bill, introduced by Sen. Doug Libla (R), would make all footage recorded by police officers, including dashboard and body cameras, exempt from the state’s open records law, and would prevent the state from requiring that police departments purchase and use body cameras.



Controversy Surrounds St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch at SLU Speech

Controversy Surrounds St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch at SLU Speech

A couple dozen protesters were escorted out of an event at St. Louis University on Friday after protesting a speech by St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch.

'Painting For Peace' Picture Book Helps Children Cope With Police Violence In Ferguson

'Painting For Peace' Picture Book Helps Children Cope With Police Violence In Ferguson

A new children's book, titled "Painting for Peace in Ferguson" written by Ferguson-born author Carol Swartout Klein, tells the true story of the hundreds of artists and citizens who came together in the face of violence and darkness to create beautiful images of hope and peace.



American Denial

American Denial

Follow the story of Swedish researcher Gunnar Myrdal whose landmark 1944 study, An American Dilemma, probed deep into the United States' racial psyche. The film weaves a narrative that exposes some of the potential underlying causes of racial biases still rooted in America’s systems and institutions today.