The Tragically Unnecessary Police Murder of Anthony Hill

The Tragically Unnecessary Police Murder of Anthony Hill

Twenty-seven-year-old Anthony Hill was an Air Force veteran in the Iraq War and an extremely talented musician. Beloved by his girlfriend, family, and friends, he was gunned down on Monday by police in Chamblee, Georgia, a suburb of Atlanta.

Unarmed + Black + Teen + Police Confrontation = Tony Robinson, 19, Killed By Officer in Wisconsin

Unarmed + Black + Teen + Police Confrontation = Tony Robinson, 19, Killed By Officer in Wisconsin

Tony Robinson is the latest victim to be added to this list. Nineteen years old, Tony appears to have been shot and killed by police in his own home. No matter how we look at it, police in America are just far too quick to shoot and kill unarmed people—particularly African Americans.

Yes, the Justice System in Ferguson is Broken, But Studies Show How Surrounding Towns Are Too

Yes, the Justice System in Ferguson is Broken, But Studies Show How Surrounding Towns Are Too

While Ferguson, Missouri, has become the symbol for all that can go wrong at the intersection of racism and the justice system, a plethora of new studies are showing that the problems of Ferguson extend way beyond its city limits into surrounding towns in Missouri and all over the country.

The Judge Who Invented Ferguson's Debtor's Prisons Owes $170K In Taxes

The Judge Who Invented Ferguson's Debtor's Prisons Owes $170K In Taxes

Ronald J Brockmeyer, the judge who just resigned after filling Ferguson's coffers by fining its poorest residents and sent them to inhumane, overcrowded prisons when they couldn't pay a few hundred dollars -- stands accused of fixing fines for his cronies, and owes $170K in unpaid taxes.