Video Shows Border Patrol Agent Firing Taser Into Car Before It Explodes, Burning Driver Alive

Video Shows Border Patrol Agent Firing Taser Into Car Before It Explodes, Burning Driver Alive

Video of the incident, which occurred in March 2012 in Pine Valley, California, was just made public as part of a lawsuit filed against the federal government by the family of the 25-year-old victim, Alex Martin, who was killed in the incident.


Pennsylvania Cop Who Shot Unarmed Driver Lying Facedown Charged with Homicide

Pennsylvania Cop Who Shot Unarmed Driver Lying Facedown Charged with Homicide

A Pennsylvania police officer's claim of self defense in her fatal shooting of an unarmed driver in February were dealt a blow on Tuesday when authorities charged her with criminal homicide, citing audio and video taken from a camera on the cop's stun gun.

Reports Suggest Body Cameras Are Only Effective When Cops Can’t Turn Them Off

Reports Suggest Body Cameras Are Only Effective When Cops Can’t Turn Them Off

As body-worn cameras increasingly become a standard feature of American police uniforms, San Diego's experience with the technology offers another example to the growing body of evidence that suggests cops tend to behave better when they know the cameras are rolling. 


Chicagoans Are Stopped and Frisked by Police Even More Than New Yorkers

Chicagoans Are Stopped and Frisked by Police Even More Than New Yorkers

New York may be the city that put the controversial police practice known as "stop and frisk" on the nation's radar — but Chicago officers are initiating these encounters four times more frequently than New York did at the height of its practice in that city in 2011, according to a report released yesterday by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).