Freddie Gray Death: Police Clash with Protesters For Second Night In Baltimore

Freddie Gray Death: Police Clash with Protesters For Second Night In Baltimore

Baltimore police are remaining silent about how Freddie Gray suffered a broken neck in police custody so that they can create a lie to blame him for his own death. Meanwhile two arrested after scuffles outside the western district police station as tensions simmer over the death in custody of 25-year-old black man.

Police Get Punched, Put Into Headlocks, Shot, But Show Restraint With White 'Christians'

Police Get Punched, Put Into Headlocks, Shot, But Show Restraint With White 'Christians'

Somehow, police found it in their hearts, in spite of being punched in the face, put into headlocks, and even shot in a full-on battle royale parking lot melee, to use restraint that black folk across America could only dream of in a far-off fairytale land.

Blood Money, Killer Cops: How Privatization Is Funding the Racist Logic of America’s Police

Blood Money, Killer Cops: How Privatization Is Funding the Racist Logic of America’s Police

What do police violence in Oklahoma and NYC have in common? An infusion of private cash and a culture of death.