A group of activists are demanding that the Atlanta Police become more transparent with their investigation into the death of 26-year-old Atlanta resident Alexia Christian.
The Profitable Theatrics of Riot Control
Militarized policing was designed to destroy the dignity of those who contest power. Riot control is — and always has been — about criminalizing acts of disobedience by controlling people, public space and even the air we breathe. The disturbing forms of policing we see in Baltimore provide a small window into a sprawling, transnational business with roots in colonialist violence.
Black People: We Must Police Ourselves
When police murder Black people on the streets of U.S. cities, they do not think they are behaving like “rogue” cops or “bad apples.” Rather, most of them believe – and are encouraged in believing – that they are protecting and serving their communities. The central question task of the Black Lives Matter mobilization must become empowering the Black community to protect and police itself – with the understanding that this cannot occur without an insurgency.