CLOSING RECEPTION "State of Denial" w/HandsUp United
Join Hands Up United + curator/director Ashara Ekundayo + artist Mark Harris for the closing reception and artist talk for "State of Denial"
Omi Gallery SF at ThoughtWorks San Francisco
WEDNESDAY, JAN 20th, 6:00-9:00pm. FREE. Open to the public.
About "State of Denial"
I began this series in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown by police in Ferguson, MO. It is a cathartic response to the recent surge of murders of unarmed African American men by police in the United States. These events forced me to examine my own ideas about “post–racial” America and its promise of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all. After this examination I found myself with two choices: stay ignorant, and believe the illusion that America is and always has been great and democratic; or do some research and discover the ugly truth about the history of white supremacy and institutionalized racism at the roots of American society. This body of work explores the continued effects of that legacy today. It is meant to challenge us as citizens to cultivate discussion, civic engagement and action.
- Mark Harris
About Omi Gallery SF @ Thoughtworks
Omi Gallery at ThoughtWorks San Francisco is a creative partnership with Impact Hub Oakland exploring cultural equity, tech innovation, and social change through exhibition and dialogue.