Nationwide Actions for a Day Against Police Violence in Our Community - Join us (11 Cities)

On January 15th, youth led groups in the South and beyond will come together to confront police violence in our communities.

We will use this day to strategize on solutions to police violence and to publicly put pressure on local decision makers to make concrete changes - whether it's requiring police officers to wear body cameras or stopping the use of military combat equipment.

We will stand up to the killings, the abuse, the profiling, the illegal stops, arrests, convictions and deportations that have devastated our communities. We must continue to stand, as young people and others have in Ferguson, against violence and oppression and for a community that respects black and brown bodies.

Stand with us on January 15th, Dr. King’s birthday, as we continue the struggle...

Participating Cities


Program: The Gen Y Project
Mission: Our purpose is to work with, educate and empower youth and young adults in low-income & people of color communities to become self-sustained economically, politically, and mentally.

Contact: Oscar Bernard Cain Jr., State Coordinator |  | 404-437-2825


Program Name: Young Leaders for Peace Coalition
Mission: The Mission of the Young Leaders for Peace Coalition (YLP) is to be a force of change that will bring peace, justice and unity for the next generation and their communities.

Contact: Farajii Muhammad |  | 240-707-0384

Charleston, West Virginia

Program: The Appalachian Center for Equality (ACE)
Mission: The Appalachian Center for Equality is dedicated to creating opportunities for young people in southern West Virginia to pursue their goals and a productive future by working and learning together. We accomplish this mission through leadership and organizing skill-building, college trips, policy advocacy, and community engagement projects. The youth group in Logan was recently recognized as Youth Leaders of the Year for their leadership in the statewide Our Children, Our Future campaign through which they have testified before House and Senate leaders, organized regional forums, and helped secure policy wins including prison reform and contraceptive coverage for teens.

Contact: Lida Sheppard | 


Program Name: Dallas Communities Organizing for Change
Mission: mission: bring together Richmond community members to build infrastructure, take action, and continue the push for radical change.

Contact: Charles Goodson | 
Location: 701 South Nedderman – University of Texas, Arlington Texas, 76019

Ferguson, Missouri

Hands Up United presents Black and Brown Alianza

Contact: CJ Jenkins |  | 678-365-9211

Greensboro, North Carolina

Program: North Carolina Peace & Economic Justice
Mission: Young People, Creating Sustainable Change locally, Regionally Globally.

View day of activities in Greensboro, North Carolina.

Contact: Toni Etheridge |  | 336-854-0633


Contact: Saul Aleman |  | 305-600-5441 or 786-728-0450

New Orleans

Program: Peace by Piece
Mission: Peace by Piece is a nonviolence youth program that is building peace one young person at a time. It engages, employs and empowers young people to be peace leaders in their schools and communities. The program was founded to demonstrate alternatives to violence using artistic expressions.

View day of activities in New Orleans.

Contact: Dee Dee Green, Area Program Director | 


Program Name: Empowering Voices for Peace
Event details: We will livestream a roundtable discussion entitled, A Day Against Police Violence & Militarization, an AFSC sponsored event in the South Region (Jan 15, 5:30-7:30 PM). There will be poster board and markers on hand to make signs for the January 19th’s protest march.

Contact: Amanda| 

Richmond, Virginia

Program Name: JusticeRVA 
Mission: mission: bring together Richmond community members to build infrastructure, take action, and continue the push for radical change.

Contact: Rebecca |  | 540-685-0245

Washington DC

Program: DC Youth Human Rights Learning
Mission: Our mission is to bring together people from throughout the DC area to work to build a community at peace where social and economic justice prevail. We use the Universal Declaration of Human rights as the framework to help young people examine and address issues of conflicts in the DC area.

Contact: Alona Sanders |  | (202) 300-1336 and Jean-Louis Ikambana |