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Black Love Day

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22nd Black Love Day, February 13, 2015 Demands More Action Around Theme, ”Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter –Time for Truth”

The 22nd Black Love Day 2015 national theme “Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter - Time for Truth” challenges Black communities to get “real” about Black self-love and Black on Black violence along with White communities to get “real” about anti-racism, directed  efforts to end White supremacy, racism and privilege.  Nationally, both communities are encouraged by Doctah Ayo Handy-Kendi, founder of Black Love Day (BLD), Breathologist and founder/director of the African-American Holiday Association (AAHA), the non-profit organizational steward of BLD, to hold actions, like relationship ceremonies, atonement forums, conflict resolution workshops and violence prevention programs to create peaceful solutions.   At 12 Noon, Handy-Kendi is calling on a collective focus on “Love to heal ALL relationships, especially sending this vibration to police”. .

Black Love Day is the 3rd nationally commemorated African-American holiday (wholyday) observance of atonement, reconciliation, celebration and 24 hour demonstration of Black Love through 5 tenets (loving acts) - for The Creator, for Self, the Black Family, the Black Community, and the Black Race.  BLD also encourages Whites in the 24 hour period to "show love in action" towards Blacks by working on their own racial attitudes and behaviors..  The goals of this day are to increase peace, stop violence, end self-hatred/ racism, and offer a spiritual, African-centered, alternative to the commercialized, and sometimes violent, Valentine's Day.  Since 1993, the first BLD, Handy-Kendi, has shared with millions on radio, t.v. and in print, the BLD tenets and their higher love vibrations

In the local, D.C. Metropolitan area, the 22nd, official national, Black Love Relationship Ceremony will be held:  Fri, Feb. 13, 2015 at Galbraith A.M.E. Zion Church, 1114 Sixth Street, N.W, W.D.C, 20001 from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.  ( 2 blocks from Mt. Vernon Square, Metro Yellow/Green Line).  This national ceremony is co-sponsored by Reverend Frederick Massey, pastor of Galbraith.  It is open to the public, offers music by Earth Love Tune-Up Crew, poetry, dance, the Ritual of Reconciliation to heal relationship pain and the 5 Black Love Tenets (loving acts).

Handy-Kendi underscores the importance of truthfully, demonstrating this BLD by taking the 2014 rallying call, “Black Lives Matter” to the next level.  “We moan the deaths of all Black people who died due to White police brutality.  But, we must be truthful about reinforcing Black love to replace Black self-hatred that spikes the statistics of Black on Black violence amongst ourselves, And yes, White allies must begin to atone for their privileged behavior which perpetuates White supremacy and racism so that real change is seen in the prevailing society as well as in the police.  BLD gives us all a chance to examine and confront ourselves on better relationships.  We have marched and protested, but we now must honestly admit that we have to take direct actions to change and grow.



AROUND THE GLOBE on Feb. 13th:

At 12 o'clock noon on the date of Feb. 13th , take this time to pause, meditate, pray and feel gratitude for “The Creator’s” love and blessings in your life, and affirm your personal self love in whatever way that you can.   Then, visualize your vision of a loving, peaceful home, community, neighborhood, world, filled with more love, devoid of all violence.  These moments can serve as the 5 tenets (act of love) demonstrated by you for Black Love Day. 

And you can, continue throughout the rest of the day, demonstrating the 5 tenets (acts) of Black Love or Love in Action.  The more love you demonstrate this day, the heightened vibration of love can help you transform your life.