Press Release

Sign the Petition:

Hands Up United Urges Democratic Governors Association To Be On Right Side Of History

FERGUSON, MO – After hosting a Twitter Storm targeted at Governor Jay Nixon on the National Day of Action Against Police Brutality, Hands Up United and its supporters are now leading the way in pressuring the Democratic Governors Association and Republican Governors Association.  Supporters include Dream Defenders, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Black Youth Project 100, Code Pink, GenYNot, The League of Young Voters, OneHood, Occupy The Hood, Vote Mob and many individuals signing a petition in support of this initiative.

The coalition is urging the nation’s governors to use their voice in pressuring Missouri Democrat Governor Jay Nixon to appoint a special prosecutor in the ongoing investigation of Michael Brown’s death and stopping the senseless killing of young black voters across the United States by law enforcement.

Black voters were key in electing President Obama in 2008 and re-electing him in 2012. Young black voters have been the most active youth voters, yet every day they risk losing their lives through the hands of the police.

Polls for the 2014-midterm elections show that there are many signs of growing concern and anger over relentless attacks on social conditions and democratic rights of blacks in many states across the nation. The killings of Michael Brown in Ferguson and VonDerrit Myers Jr. in St. Louis, both of whom were eligible voters, are emblematic of what young black voters face on an ongoing basis. Hands Up United urges in the strongest terms that the nation’s Governors tell their colleagues to do the right thing as their inaction risks losing the black electorate in the upcoming elections.

“When it’s time to vote, we're going to remember all of the elected officials who refused to stand with us,” said Tory Russell, a leader with Hands Up United. “It’s time for everyone to abandon the partisan nonsense and do something for the black community.  Both parties need to earn our vote because we aren’t just giving it away."

Those who are interested in joining Hands Up United's initiative can sign the petition here:

About Hands Up United

Hands Up United is a Ferguson, Missouri-based organization working to end police brutality and achieve justice for the Michael Brown family. The group has a set of demands, which include the arrest of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson and the appointment of a special prosecutor to oversee the investigation of Brown’s death.

Media Contact

Abby Bobé

Telephone: 215-307-5107



