In the wake of the 1 year commemoration  of the death of Michael Brown Jr. Saint Louis County is currently under a reinstated State of Emergency issued by County Executive Steve Stenger. As a response to Stenger and his maniacal desire to ignore the true emergencies attacking African American families in his jurisdiction on the daily the Ferguson activist group Hands Up United has launched the #WhichEmergency Campaign. The campaign and the hashtag took on a life of it's own-- reaching over 14 million people and delivering over 68,300,395 impressions. At the moment there have been over 25,786 #WhichEmergency tweets.

People all over the world are challenging the narrative being forced upon the general public by Stenger and his fear driven attempts to publicly vilify the Ferguson protest movement. Hands Up United Director and cultural activist / rapper T-Dubb-O has decided to place his frustrations with Stenger and the state of emergency on wax. 

"State Of Emergency"  sounds like a call to arms from T-Dubb-O as he challenges the states definition of violence while spitting lines that are reminiscent to Ice Cube in 1992 after the Rodney King riots. In this song Dubb covers everything from hashtag activism to the meeting the President Obama and thinking about spitting in his hand as they greeted. 

"Fuck Steve Stenger and Death to Jay Nixon/ they faces should be next to the definition of racism" - T-Dubb-O

State of Emergency. #WhichEmergency