Run the Jewels Live In Session for BBC 6 Music's Lauren Laverne

Transcript Excerpt

Lauren Laverne:
"So you have been touring a lot, and a lot of your shows are available online…and there was one that went viral I did want to ask about. I have to ask you about this speech that you made the night the Ferguson verdict was announced. It was all around the world. It was on every news station or news channel. It was an amazing speech. Tell me a little bit about that night from your perspective."

Killer Mike:
"It was a hard night you know. We fought very hard to get into Saint Louis. A lot of other entertainers were trying to get out of Saint Louis. I actually know rappers on the ground there. This guy named Rocky and this guy named Tef Poe who are rappers but they’ve turned—Tef in particular—has turned into an organizer. And because he is what I consider a friend and just a noble guy, I didn’t want to be a guy that abandoned the cause so we pushed through and we went there.

And I’ll never forget I was crying my wife was crying, everybody was crying, but you know, we was like we gotta get up there I gotchu come on let’s get up there. We went up and it was suggested by my wife that I say a few words that was just on my heart and it resonated with people. I’m glad it did because you don’t have a lot of opportunities to do the right thing and when you do have the opportunity I believe you should take it. And I’m glad I did. I think globally, not just in the United States, the proletariat needs to do its job to ensure that the people we pay to protect us are not abusing us."


Hit and look out for their U.S. tour this fall.